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3 John: Love and Truth

3 John: Love and Truth

In this, the very briefest of all the letters in the New Testament, John's passion for truth is exceeded only by his heart of love for the church. It is not some abstract warm feeling for a concept, or an ideal, but rather a very personal and gritty affection for real people (he even names names!) dealing with real issues in a local congregation. May the Holy Spirit use it once again as a tool in our church for building healthy relationships among ourselves as fellow members of the Body of Christ.

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2 John: A Solemn Warning
Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Personal Letters Alex Coblentz Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Personal Letters Alex Coblentz

2 John: A Solemn Warning

If you see danger approaching someone you love, your first instinct is to sound the alarm! Give out a warning! Such is the urgency of this small letter, written to dearly beloved people by the last surviving apostle. The danger is not immediate or urgent - like an approaching tornado or some other imminent catastrophe. It is rather the slow creeping erosion of lies and deception that causes spiritual dry rot and the eventual collapse of a church. There is a cure! Take warning and live!

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Philemon: A Bold Request
Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Personal Letters Alex Coblentz Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Personal Letters Alex Coblentz

Philemon: A Bold Request

Have you ever asked somebody for a huge personal favor? Were you afraid it would be asking too much? Or that you would be turned down? ...that it would be awkward? ...that it might even ruin your relationship to the person you were asking? In his letter to Philemon, the Apostle Paul boldly makes one such huge request. How was it received? The answer: That letter is now part of the Bible!

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Looking for more sermons?

While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.