Our unique congregation of about 80
members shares the community with French Camp Academy, which includes 12 group homes for children and youth, many from crisis situations. On Sundays we have students and staff from the Academy, averaging around 200 in attendance.
Join us for Worship!
Sunday School: 10 AM
Sunday Worship: 11 AM
Sunday Evening Fellowship: 6 PM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 6 PM

After receiving our first draft of building plans in 2012 for a new building and renovation of the sanctuary, the Lord has provided in amazing ways to help us get us to where we are now.
Serving a blended community of seasoned believers, new Christians, and non-believers with no church background
With such a varied community, making the gospel message relevant to all levels of our participants is a unique challenge, but not impossible for the God we serve, whose Word is powerful and effective. It won’t return void! Whether we are planting or watering seeds, or have the joy of reaping a harvest, this is truly an incredible place to worship and serve the Lord!
323 School Street
French Camp, Mississippi 39745
(662) 816.9419