Living Stones
2012 to 2021- this video chronicles the Living Stones building project of French Camp Presbyterian Church from its earliest inception to the final Dedication Celebration on April 25, 2021. We are especially grateful to our volunteers and for the many supporters who have donated time, talent and treasure to make this dream a reality.

Premium Materials
All the wood for framing the building was donated and much of the wood in the kitchen, fellowship hall and bathrooms came from the oak and pecan trees that were on the property!
Providential Timing
After the sheet rock was installed, the workers offered to paint the entire building the following week - the timing and the price was nothing short of a miracle!
God provided an incredibly capable and experienced Project Manager, Roy Purvis, who worked alongside our pastor, numerous volunteers, local contractors, vendors, and helpers of all kinds in both the planning and the building of the LSB.
Student Involvement
LOTS of FCA students helped with a variety of labor intensive tasks throughout the entire project.
Locally Built
Local contractors, the Cauthen family, did an excellent and professional job with many vital aspects of the project.
Designed for Hospitality
The Kitchen Committee helped determine the appliances needed and the best layout for the kitchen.
Amazing Donors
We were even given a beautiful Steinway Grand Piano!
Made with Love
The pastor built the stone wall, which took over a year to complete.
Custom Designed
Our architect did an outstanding job designing the building to fit the needs of our congregation
Labor of Love
MANY church folks helped with all the cleaning, sorting, organizing, etc. that was needed!
Excellent Leadership
The Building Committee & the Elders worked well together to determine what type of building was needed and when the time was right to proceed with the work.
Debt Free
The Living Stones building is essentially complete and we are debt free thanks to countless donations. Our treasurer says,"whenever a big bill would come in, so would a big donation!"
The Decor Committee helped make decisions about flooring, colors and furnishings, making the Living Stones Building (LSB) a place of beauty and excellence.
Expert Volunteers
Volunteer builders from all over the country stayed for weeks and months at a time and provided extensive labor and expert guidance throughout the building process.
See the Progress
Fellowship Hall and Classrooms
Phase 1
Repair and remodel the existing Fellowship Hall and Educational Wing
Phase 2
Expand the Sanctuary
Phase 3
The Lord has provided…
so far above and beyond what we could have ever hoped for. Thanks to His abundance, we are where we are today and still debt free.
Praise be to God!
In Loving Memory
Rosemary Purvis
Terry Cauthen