Celebrating the life of Bruce Beswick
Bruce Brian Beswick,
58, of French Camp, Mississippi passed away Saturday, January 6, 2024, at Choctaw Nursing Home.
Bruce was born with Down’s Syndrome on December 7, 1965, to Ken and Jane Beswick. His parents never flinched in their resolve to raise him with God’s help and give him every opportunity possible in life. He grew up working on a dairy farm and learned from his dad how to operate the tractor, the skip loader, and many other valuable tasks around the farm. After selling the dairy farm in 2000, the Beswicks traveled nationwide serving with Mobile Missionary Assistance Program as volunteers building churches and doing projects for Christian camps and congregations around the country.
On April 10, 2008, while working at the Buffalo United Methodist Church in Attala County, Bruce’s dad, Kenneth, died suddenly of a massive heart attack. Shortly thereafter, Bruce and his mom, Jane, found their new home in French Camp serving as volunteers for French Camp Academy - Jane in the business office and Bruce on the maintenance team.
Bruce loved people. He never met a stranger and was always ready to greet you with “I like you!” along with a big smile and a warm hug. He was a favorite among the students for his enthusiastic support of the FCA Panthers. He could always be found at home football games among the cheerleaders with his “Bruce-a-phone” giving out his panther yell! He not only loved to attend basketball games but could also shoot a pretty accurate free-throw himself. He even played with the staff/alumni one year vs the students. In the waning seconds of the game, his team-mates set him up at the top of the key and passed him the ball for the final shot. He scored! The crowd went wild! You’d think Bruce had won the Final Four! He was like that. His joy and enthusiasm for life were contagious.
Bruce loved to go fishing – a passion he inherited from his mom & dad. Nothing could put a big smile on his face any quicker than to haul in a big catch, especially if it was bigger than anything they had caught! He loved the outdoors: hiking, camping, pitching horseshoes, and campfires.
Brownie, the dog, was his constant companion, and perhaps even his life-saving friend the night he went walking and lost his way in the woods. The entire community turned out to conduct a search when he was still out after sundown. He was found at last, disoriented but not distressed, with Brownie by his side.
Bruce loved to mow grass. He wore out two riding mowers working on the FCA maintenance staff and was working on his third before he was no longer able to work. As much as he loved to work, Bruce was never in too big a hurry to stop and wave or grab your attention for a friendly chat.
He loved to attend French Camp Presbyterian Church, where he was dearly loved by all. His favorite song was “Amazing Grace,” and his favorite drink was Coca-Cola. Bruce was truly God’s gift to all who knew him, and the Lord graciously used him to teach many of us the meaning of kindness, patience, and affection.
Bruce is survived by his mother Jane E. Beswick of French Camp, Mississippi; brother Kenneth Glen Beswick of Philadelphia, Mississippi; sister Beth Ann Beswick of Spokane, Washington. He was preceded in death by his father Kenneth Bruce Beswick.
Visitation was on Saturday, January 13, 2024, from 11:30 p.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the French Camp Presbyterian Living Stones Building in French Camp, MS.
A Funeral Service was held on Saturday, January 13, 2024, at 1:00 p.m., at French Camp Presbyterian Church in French Camp, MS. Rev. Alex Coblentz and Rev. Don Smith will officiated. The burial will follow at Buffalo United Methodist Church Cemetery.
If you were unable to attend the Funeral Service in person, you can watch the recording here.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to French Camp Presbyterian Church 323 School Street French Camp, Mississippi 39745, or French Camp Academy, One Fine Place, French Camp, Mississippi, 39745.