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What Hope? Everlasting Life!
God "...has planted eternity in the human heart." (Eccles. 3:11) Created in God's image, we are uniquely capable of yearning, longing, hoping and anticipating a place where we have never been. Yet in Christ, it is the home we have always wanted. It is that place where longing is exchanged for belonging.

Many sermons and lessons have been given about the importance of believing in his bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. But what about his ascension? Somehow the importance of this equally historic event, witnessed by eleven of the apostles, is overlooked as merely an incidental transition from earth to heaven. Look again! There is more here than meets the eye.

Looking for more sermons?
While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.