Looking for a specific series?

The Lord's Supper
Tangible signs signifying an inward grace, the bread and wine of communion are Christ's gifts to us. They remind us of the cross and point us to the day when we will feast at the Table of the Lamb. Utterly strange and bizarre to unbelievers, but precious and dear to the household of faith.

His Light Reveals Truth, Cleanses and Forgives
Our Guest Speaker for the 2024 Mission conference at FCARP: Rev. Stuart Mills
Stuart and Meg Mills have served with Peru Mission since 2010 where he served as associate pastor in Iglesia Presbiteriana Cristo Restaurador and was director of the Areópago Cristiano with Peru Mission. Stuart received an MDIV from RTS-Jackson and was ordained in Southern Louisiana Presbytery of the PCA. They and their four children returned from Peru in February of 2023 and are currently living in Brandon, MS. Stuart is studying the MAC program at RTS in Jackson. Meg is working at UMMC in a postdoctoral fellowship in the physiology department. Stuart is still raising support through PM while studying at RTS.

Our Warfare: Flesh and Blood Cannot Prevail
Our 2023 Mission Conference kicks off Saturday evening with "Ends of the Earth" a gripping and inspiring story about the missionary pilots in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. Dr. Clay Quarterman, our Keynote Speaker, will preach Sunday morning and again Sunday and Monday evenings from Ephesians 6 and Matthew 24 about Spiritual Warfare. Dr. Clay and Darlene Quarterman have served with the PCA as church planting missionaries in Portugal and Ukraine for over 40 years; they are now retired in Jackson, MS. Check out the fcarp.org website for a schedule and more details about the MIssion Conference.

Looking for more sermons?
While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.