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A Tale of Two Adams
The New England Primer teaches us, "In Adam's fall, we sinned all;" That curse was undone when Christ became the second Adam, the Innocent Adam, the sinless and perfect Adam who stood in our place and bore the weight of our sin - Adam's helpless race. Give thanks for a Redeemer who loves us and bought us with his own blood.
Not Even One
Is there anyone out there who has perfectly kept the law of God? No, not even one! Even for those whose salvation is secure in Christ, the process of overcoming that inborn sin nature will not be complete until we see Jesus in glory. By faith, our assurance rests in God's own ability to finish that which he has begun in each one of us whom he is calling to himself, for his own glory!
A Rule For The Heart
The tenth and last command gives us a rule for the heart. A covetous heart is greedy and grasping; a contented heart knows joy and peace. From the abundance of a well ordered and contented heart will flow loving and healthy relationships.
What is the R in ARP?
Reformation Sunday brings us back to one of the core beliefs that has shaped our protestant tradition for the past 500 years, with roots all the way back into the writings of Paul the Apostle. We cannot DO anything to deserve entrance into God's heaven; it is by faith that we place our trust in what Christ has DONE for us on the cross. It's all about grace.
Giving honor, where honor is due, is far more than standing in awe of someone whose character and deeds are honorable. It also entails reverence, respect and obedience. We honor God by keeping His Sabbath; we honor our parents when we submit to their godly direction and discipline.
No Other Gods
God commands that our total and exclusive worship be directed to Him, and Him alone, for our good and His glory. He alone is worthy - our Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer. Let us bow down before Him.
The Law
If love and obedience are the keys to glorifying God, then it follows that his greatest commandment calls us to love God with all our heart, soul and mind and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. God's Law points to his highest desire and purpose for us: a healthy relationship with himself and with others, made possible through Jesus Christ.
Looking for more sermons?
While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.