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Giving honor, where honor is due, is far more than standing in awe of someone whose character and deeds are honorable. It also entails reverence, respect and obedience. We honor God by keeping His Sabbath; we honor our parents when we submit to their godly direction and discipline.

No Other Gods
God commands that our total and exclusive worship be directed to Him, and Him alone, for our good and His glory. He alone is worthy - our Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer. Let us bow down before Him.

The Law
If love and obedience are the keys to glorifying God, then it follows that his greatest commandment calls us to love God with all our heart, soul and mind and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. God's Law points to his highest desire and purpose for us: a healthy relationship with himself and with others, made possible through Jesus Christ.

Give God The Glory
All of God's works bring glory to their Creator, but we alone among all of his works must choose to do so. We have a heart, a mind and a will that give us the capacity to freely love God or not to; to obey him or not to; to serve him or not to - and that is why God takes such great joy in us when we freely bow in worship and humbly obey his commands. Thus we bring joy to his heart and glory to his name.

Creation: Very Good!
The goodness of God is manifest in every molecule that moves, in every creature that draws breath, and in every plant that drinks from the earth and reaches for the sun. The beauty, harmony, symmetry and balance that exist in all of creation leave us with no doubt that our God is above all great and good! Such wonder and majesty can only lead us to doxology - praise to our Creator for all he has made.

In His Image
Why did God create us? Because he was lonely? To have someone to love him? Servants to do his bidding? "None of the above," is the correct answer! Our highest purpose, being created in his image, is to do just that - to bear his image, to demonstrate who he is to a watching world and reflect it back to him to the praise of his glory.

Three In One
The mystery of godhead is profound in its essence, yet surprisingly simple to understand. God has always existed in three persons, equal in substance, power and authority. He graciously invites into the fellowship He has enjoyed since before time began, called by the Father, redeemed by the Son, and sanctified by the indwelling presence of his Holy Spirit.

Creator And Sustainer
We can never adequately wrap our brains around the scope of who God is and what He has done. We can, however, walk around in his creation with wonder and awe in our hearts, and diligently study his written Word - for it contains everything he wants us to know about himself and how we should live in his presence. How wonderful to know that He alone is God!

We Are Not Our Own
We live in a world that every day is trying to convince us that we get to choose our own identity, that we are in charge of our own destiny, and that we ultimately get to decide who we are. Nothing could be further from the truth! We do not belong to ourselves, but have a loving and gracious Creator who made us for Himself, and has redeemed us for His own glory. We belong to Him!

Looking for more sermons?
While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.