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Philemon: A Bold Request
Have you ever asked somebody for a huge personal favor? Were you afraid it would be asking too much? Or that you would be turned down? ...that it would be awkward? ...that it might even ruin your relationship to the person you were asking? In his letter to Philemon, the Apostle Paul boldly makes one such huge request. How was it received? The answer: That letter is now part of the Bible!

The Promise
When Adam & Eve broke fellowship with their Creator God, He made them a promise: “The wrong that ruined Eden will one day be made right through one of your offspring.” Down through the ages, generation after generation: to Noah, to Abraham, to Moses, and to King David in Jerusalem, the Promise was renewed and reaffirmed until finally, “The Promise (Word) was made flesh and walked among us, full of grace and truth - Jesus!”

The Gospel Part 3: I’ll Fly Away
A solid hope - that's what we have in Jesus Christ! Ours is a hope that transcends all the trials and suffering of this life because Christ has conquered death itself to secure for us a glorious future in heaven. The grave is not the end; it is only a gateway into the presence of our Creator Redeemer God where we will stand before him dressed in the righteousness of Christ alone.

The Gospel Part 2: Freedom in Christ
In Christ we have been set free! Freedom from sin's prison house gives us the freedom to follow Jesus. Previously, his commands were impossible to obey because we were in bondage to sin. Walking in the Spirit we can now gloriously experience freedom in Christ to more and more love the Lord our God and one another as well.

The Gospel Part 1: The Prison House
Every one of us was born into a Prison House called Sin. We don't even know it until God opens our eyes through Scripture and His Holy Spirit working in our hearts. The first step to getting out of that prison is to recognize that sin IS a jail we can't get out of without Jesus. That's the bad news, and the good news - the gospel.

Good Father
For Christians, "Don't worry. Be happy!" might seem like a totally irresponsible, pleasure seeking, flippant, childish, and selfish way to abandon our God-given duties and responsibilities, but for one thing: our Heavenly Father loves and cares for us! As followers of Jesus Christ, when we make it our first priority to love and obey our Father in Heaven, He gives peace, joy and all the things we need in life because He loves us, and takes good care of us.

Blessed…Like A Tree
"I'm Blessed." What does that mean? We hear people say it all the time! Does it mean I'm happy? I'm wealthy? I'm trouble free? This same word appears frequently in the Psalms and in the Beatitudes of Jesus. Psalm 1 compares a blessed person to a healthy, fruitful tree. Can trees be happy? wealthy? trouble free? No, but they are solid, firmly rooted and secure.

Gideon’s Army
Gideon is famous to us for his dramatic midnight victory with trumpet blasts and blazing torches over the Midianite army encamped by the Hill of Moreh, What we tend to forget is that God reduced his army from 32,000 to 300 troops so that nobody could ever boast of winning that battle by human strategy or strength. When God calls you into His service, He will ruthlessly remove all the resources you have trusted in until you have nothing left but God himself to rely on, and He gets all the glory in the end.

Under His Wings
Starvation and exposure are two things that can kill you. Food and shelter are necessities of life. Is it any wonder then, that the Psalmist should sing grateful songs of praise to the Lord for his provision and his protection. Let us seek his provision. Let us find rest under his wings.

By Faith Looking to Jesus
The heroes of faith - they have their "Crown of Glory." Their race is finished, but they are not yet done! Christ has not yet "handed over the Kingdom to God the Father" (I Cor. 15:24), because the full number of God's elect has not yet been harvested. That is why they are the "great cloud of witnesses" eagerly awaiting the outcome of our faith here in the 21st Century and beyond - as long as it takes! To God be the glory!

By Faith Heroes & Martyrs (Part 2)
This long line of saints and sufferers, stretching back through the Old Testament - are they just water under the bridge, old history, irrelevant and forgotten figures of the past? Not at all! The Bible says that "apart from us" they will not "be made perfect." Jesus Christ is the Savior of all who died under the Law, as he is also the Savior of all who live in HIm by grace! Indeed, they surround us even today as a "great cloud of witnesses," eager to see the successful outcome of our faith, that together with them we might be glorified in Him.

By Faith Heroes & Martyrs (Part 1)
Warriors, prophets, survivors and martyrs alike, and the list goes on. What kept them going? What was their super-power? Was it courage? Endurance? Patience? Their stories are all different, but what they all had in common was faith - not super-heroic faith, but plain and simple trusting faith in the God who always keeps his promises and will make us perfect together with them in the end.

By Faith Rahab
She was morally stained, sexually impure, outcast and despised, but nevertheless a choice instrument in the Lord's hands. Why would God choose Rahab to be an ancestor to Jesus Christ? Why would he choose you? ...or me? ...or anyone? It is because of GRACE, and grace alone.

The Crown and the Cross
The brutal and mocking crown of thorns that Jesus wore to the cross, only magnifies the glory and beauty of that victorious crown of life with which Jesus has been crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We worship the Risen Savior at Easter for what He has done, for who He is, and for the transformation he has wrought in us - to the praise of His glory, Hallelujah!

A Humble King
Hey look, your King is riding on a donkey! What's going on? That doesn't seem very kingly! Happy children waving palms were not going to overthrow an occupying force of Roman soldiers, but in a week's time it would all take place: betrayal, trial, crucifixion and resurrection: Praise to our glorious humble King! Hallelujah, what a Savior!

By Faith Moses (Part 2)
The first time Moses left Egypt, he was fleeing for his life. This time, with signs and wonders, plagues and miracles, he walks through the Red Sea on dry ground with all the people of Israel. What was different? How did that happen? According to Hebrews - by faith!

By Faith Moses
A government that kills babies, a culture that is wealthy and luxurious beyond imagination and an oppressed people enduring generations of racism and tyranny. Sound familiar? That was the Egypt where Moses grew up. He could have lived out his days in comfort and ease in Pharaoh's court, but he forsook it all to follow the call of God.

By Faith Joseph
Faith and hope are closely connected; you cannot have one without the other.
Faith draws from the past and looks to the future in hope. At the end of his days, Joseph in Egypt gave instructions for his bones to be returned to the land of promise. Embracing the faith of his forefathers, he claimed a future inheritance for his children.

By Faith Jacob
Jacob is the Poster-child for for a rebellious son, lying schemer and dysfunctional husband and father. What a disaster! And yet, there he is in the "Faith Hall of Fame" of Hebrews! By now, perhaps we are beginning to get the picture: It's not about some superpower these patriarchs possessed called "faith." It's really all about God's faithfulness, accomplishing his perfectly designed plan in and through us, his chosen people.

By Faith Isaac
By faith, Isaac lived on the promises God gave his father Abraham, but he was also faithful to pass them on to the next generation. He remained in Canaan because of God's promise; he reclaimed his father's wells that the Philistines had stopped up; and he dug new wells as needed to reach the life giving waters beneath the earth.

Looking for more sermons?
While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.