Over the years in French Camp
with Ritha Moore
Former FCA student & staff as well as parent & grandparent of FCA students, including recent graduate Maddie Davis! She currently serves on the French Camp Town Board.
Ritha is a 1969 Graduate of French Camp Academy. Originally from the lovely flatlands of the Mississippi Delta, she has called French Camp home for most of her adult life. She was in the unique position of being both a day (district) student and then a dorm student for her high school years. Ritha was also on staff at French Camp briefly after she graduated and worked in the admin office, later returning in 1974 to work as secretary to then President Stuart Angle. During her years of being on staff, she was also Cheer Coach and an occasional substitute dorm parent.
Ritha has four children, multiple grandchildren, nieces, and nephews many of whom have attended FC Academy. Most recently she has shared the high honor of being Home Coming Queen and Miss FCA (Class of 1969) with granddaughter Maddie Kay Davis who also held both honors in the graduating Class of 2021
Historical Highlight Luncheons are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at French Camp Presbyterian Church, featuring a speaker who shares some aspect of French Camp's history and a delicious, home-cooked meal for a $3 donation. The public is invited.
Please RSVP for the luncheon so we can have an accurate count.
At the luncheon we will also take the opportunity to share memories of Betty Link Richardson, FCA class of 1970, who passed away December 31, 2022. If you knew Betty, you know how much she loved French Camp!