Upcoming events
Historical Highlights Luncheon
Historical Highlight Luncheons are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at French Camp Presbyterian Church, featuring a speaker who shares some aspect of French Camp's history and a delicious, home-cooked meal for a $3 donation. The public is invited.
Historical Highlights Luncheon
Historical Highlight Luncheons are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at French Camp Presbyterian Church, featuring a speaker who shares some aspect of French Camp's history and a delicious, home-cooked meal for a $3 donation. The public is invited.
Historical Highlights Luncheon
Historical Highlight Luncheons are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at French Camp Presbyterian Church, featuring a speaker who shares some aspect of French Camp's history and a delicious, home-cooked meal for a $3 donation. The public is invited.
Historical Highlights Luncheon
Historical Highlight Luncheons are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at French Camp Presbyterian Church, featuring a speaker who shares some aspect of French Camp's history and a delicious, home-cooked meal for a $3 donation. The public is invited.
Historical Highlights Luncheon
Historical Highlight Luncheons are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at French Camp Presbyterian Church, featuring a speaker who shares some aspect of French Camp's history and a delicious, home-cooked meal for a $3 donation. The public is invited.
Historical Highlights Luncheon
Historical Highlight Luncheons are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at French Camp Presbyterian Church, featuring a speaker who shares some aspect of French Camp's history and a delicious, home-cooked meal for a $3 donation. The public is invited.
Historical Highlights Luncheon
Historical Highlight Luncheons are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at French Camp Presbyterian Church, featuring a speaker who shares some aspect of French Camp's history and a delicious, home-cooked meal for a $3 donation. The public is invited.
Historical Highlights Luncheon
Historical Highlight Luncheons are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at French Camp Presbyterian Church, featuring a speaker who shares some aspect of French Camp's history and a delicious, home-cooked meal for a $3 donation. The public is invited.
Historical Highlights Luncheon
Historical Highlight Luncheons are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at French Camp Presbyterian Church, featuring a speaker who shares some aspect of French Camp's history and a delicious, home-cooked meal for a $3 donation. The public is invited.
Historical Highlight Luncheon
Sherry Kirby, President of the FCA Alumni Association, will be the speaker. Her topic is “Tabernacle Talk: Past Present & Future.” Lunch is $3. RSVP to Mary Nell.
Historical Highlight Luncheon: George & Fran Holman
French Camp is having its first Historical Highlight Luncheon since Covid. It will be Thursday January 6, 12:00 noon at French Camp Presbyterian Church. The speakers will be George and Fran Holman of Jackson and will feature a 3D exhibit they built of the community of French Camp in the late 1800s/early 1900's. The exhibit occupies a room in the French Camp Alumni Museum.