Looking for a specific series?

Jesus is Serving
It's easy to want to be the hero - the person who takes charge and wins the day; the person who leads and guides and inspires others! But wait! Could it be that we are just a little bit too hungry for the spotlight? Do we covet the prestige that comes with public leadership success? Jesus points us down a different path - a path of service, sacrifice and even suffering. His disciples walked that path and changed the world!

Jesus is Weeping
Jesus is weeping. He weeps every time I sin. He is grieved by every disobedience, every evil deed and every ill conceived thought that we his children are guilty of on a daily basis. O, may our hearts grow ever more keenly aware of our own sins - by His grace and in His power - that we might repent and bring joy instead of sorrow to our beloved Savior's heart!

Jesus is Obeying
For us, obedience is never easy. For Jesus, obedience to his Heavenly Father was perfect and natural, but in his humanity it was both painful and costly though necessary in God's plan of redemption. Jesus calls us to walk with him down the path of obedience surrendering our will to his. In the words of that old hymn, we must "Trust and obey, for there's no other way..."

Looking for more sermons?
While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.