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God Prepares Us For The Present And The Future
We extend a warm welcome to our guest preacher for June 11, Paul Nasekos. Paul and his wife Jeannette are no strangers to French Camp, having served on staff at FCA prior to working with Child Evangelism Fellowship and more recently with Truth and Grace (T.A.G.) ministry to children.
We are grateful for this opportunity for Paul to minister among us while our pastor is out of town.

Family Life
We welcome Rev. Lynn Downing to the pulpit this Sunday. Born and raised in French Camp, he is a graduate of French Camp Academy, Belhaven College, and Reformed Theological Seminary. After a long and fruitful ministry in the PCA, he and his wife Dianne have retired in French Camp and are active in the life of our church.

Reclaiming Boldness in Our Adoption
Alex Pettett is the director of the overseas outreach arm of the ARP - World Witness. He has traveled extensively, worldwide, and will bring a global perspective and application to this glorious text about our adoption in Christ which is for "...the purpose of His will, to the praise of His glorious grace."

Resolve To Be Like Jesus
Elder Larry Littlejohn will preach from Ephesians 4:1-7 today, and share about Resolving to be like Jesus as we consider what the new year will hold.

Jesus Emmanuel
Joy to the World! The Lord is come! Could anything be more wonderful? God is making himself known to us in the person of Jesus Christ. He is come to reveal the Father, to be light in the darkness, to cleanse us from sin, to be our advocate on high, to be our Emmanuel - God with us and for us! Abide in Him. Walk in his way. May peace and joy be yours this Christmas.

Jesus is a Gift
The best gifts are given not out of obligation, not for show, nor in some attempt to out-give some other giver! The best gifts are given out of a heart of love, kindness and charity. The greatest gift ever given came from a heart filled with infinite mercy, compassion and love, to those who were utterly helpless, desolate and undeserving.
What gifts will you give this Christmas?

Jesus is Renewing
Elder Bruce Hosket will preach from Psalm 103:5 today, and share about a new ministry of our church called “Renew,” that the Lord is calling Bruce and Kim to initiate.

Jesus is Loving
What does love look like? Soft lights? Sweet music? Hot chocolate? We often associate love with Christmas because of the sentimentality of the season; it's enough to make anyone fall in love or give gifts! Buried, however, beneath all the glitter and emotion there is a hard and solid truth which is well worth uncovering: True love is shown through obedience and self-sacrifice. Jesus modeled it perfectly in his incarnation; He calls us to follow his example at Christmas and always.

Jesus is Coming
The world today feels like a dark place: war, terrorism, violence, corruption, perversion, drought, flooding, poverty, suffering…Wouldn’t this be a good time for Christ to come again? This is precisely how the people of Israel were feeling when “in the fullness of time” the prophecies of Isaiah were fulfilled and Jesus was born in Bethlehem. May we learn again this Advent season how to pray, “Come quickly, Lord Jesus!”

Jesus is Building
Our church is an open building site; we are the raw materials; Christ is the Architect, Builder and Cornerstone. Though it is still under construction, the Holy Spirit has already taken up residence, and all we lack is finishing up! Come quickly, Lord Jesus - to Him be the glory!

Jesus is Reigning
What is Jesus doing right now? We believe Jesus became a man, lived a sinless life, died for us on the cross and rose again to be exalted again to heaven. He sits at the right hand of the Father, but surely he's not just sitting there doing nothing, biding his time until its time to come again to us! Of course not! The Bible tells us he is actively ruling over his creation. He is head of his Body, the church, and he is reconciling a broken and sinful world (both people and things) to himself. Though we cannot see the whole big picture at the moment, we can see that he is indeed at work among us to bring about his eternal Kingdom. The joys and victories we experience by his grace and mercy today are only a foretaste of what we will enjoy forever in heaven.

Jesus Tasted Death
Shakespeare's Hamlet called death "The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn no traveller returns..." but he was wrong! Jesus has traveled that land, and conquered death on our behalf, and returned that we might nevermore fear the grave by placing our eternal trust in Him. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Jesus is Saving
My becoming a Christian is not like joining a society, choosing a fraternity, or coming to the USA to become an American. In fact, when I became a Christian it was mostly about realizing what Christ had done for me, that God loves me and calls me, and that the Holy Spirit is working my heart with transforming and eternal consequences! "Getting saved" is so much more than me making a decision. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound - it is God who is saving me!

Jesus is Serving
It's easy to want to be the hero - the person who takes charge and wins the day; the person who leads and guides and inspires others! But wait! Could it be that we are just a little bit too hungry for the spotlight? Do we covet the prestige that comes with public leadership success? Jesus points us down a different path - a path of service, sacrifice and even suffering. His disciples walked that path and changed the world!

Jesus is Weeping
Jesus is weeping. He weeps every time I sin. He is grieved by every disobedience, every evil deed and every ill conceived thought that we his children are guilty of on a daily basis. O, may our hearts grow ever more keenly aware of our own sins - by His grace and in His power - that we might repent and bring joy instead of sorrow to our beloved Savior's heart!

Jesus is Obeying
For us, obedience is never easy. For Jesus, obedience to his Heavenly Father was perfect and natural, but in his humanity it was both painful and costly though necessary in God's plan of redemption. Jesus calls us to walk with him down the path of obedience surrendering our will to his. In the words of that old hymn, we must "Trust and obey, for there's no other way..."

Jesus is Praying
We know from the gospel accounts that Jesus, while on earth, frequently prayed to his Father in Heaven - sometimes alone, and at other times with his disciples. Did you know that Jesus, now of course back in Heaven with the Father, is still praying? What is he praying about? Who is he praying for? Why does he even have to pray? How encouraging to discover that he is praying for us; and Oh, how grand to know what he is praying!

Jesus is Giving
"For God so loved the world that he gave..." You know the rest! If the Father gave us his Son, then what did Jesus give us? He gave us eternal life! Ah, yes - but at what cost? It cost him his life, brutally sacrificed on a cruel cross. When we hear Jesus say, "I am the Good Shepherd," and "I lay down my life for the sheep," may we never take lightly or for granted the immeasurable cost he paid to purchase our salvation. Amazing love! Indescribable gift! Thanks be to God!

Jesus is Working
We may think of the cross as being the most prominent work of Christ, but that is not all he has done, nor is it the end of his working. The work of Christ encompasses the past, present and future. He is Creator as well as Redeemer; he is our Advocate and Mediator before the Father, and He will one day rule over his people and reign victoriously as King over a new heaven and a new earth. Yes, Jesus has worked, is working, and will work until all his work is finished for his own glory - Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Jesus is Caring
We are often, and sometimes wrongly, taught to be skeptical of our feelings - not to be governed by them, or to give them too much attention. But Jesus had feelings: pity, empathy, compassion, or caring were prominent among them, and those feelings were deeply a part of who he was and how he acted. How then can we follow Jesus as we seek to be more caring of others?

Looking for more sermons?
While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.