Looking for a specific series?

Jesus is Healing
When we ask Jesus for healing, and all that comes to mind are the physical infirmities of these mortal bodies... Oh, how great a blessing we miss! Jesus also desires and does indeed heal us of the brokenness and afflictions of the mind, spirit and soul. Sin is the greatest sickness the world has ever known, and for this disease Jesus shed his own blood for the cure. As Isaiah the prophet foretold, "...by His stripes we are healed!”

Jesus is Seeking
We are lost. Sin has blinded us and tangled us up in the snares of this world. We are not lost because God can't find us; we are lost because we can't find our way out. Jesus came down into this world "to seek and so save that which was lost," not because he didn't know where we were, but because we didn't know who he is. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and he will unfailingly find his own and rescue them from sin and death. "I once was lost, but now am found," by God's amazing grace in Christ.

Jesus is Calling
Jesus called Peter, James and John to follow him. They left their nets, their boats, their families and their homes to follow Jesus and he taught them how to catch people for the Kingdom instead of fish. Jesus is still calling people to follow Him. Have you heard His call? What must you leave behind to follow Him? If you will, He'll transform your life and livelihood for His Kingdom purposes.

Looking for more sermons?
While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.