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Through An Open Door
Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz

Through An Open Door

As I preach my last sermon as pastor of French Camp Presbyterian Church, I am reminded that the Apostle Paul was no stranger to tearful farewells, long distance relationships, and sharing ministry with other preachers. May we learn valuable lessons from his example as we all step through the open doors God has placed before us. In all our changes, He remains the same. Great is THY faithfulness!

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Church Membership
Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz

Church Membership

You will not find a Bible verse that says, "Thou shalt join a local church!" But neither can you read the descriptions of the church in the Bible as a family, a body, or a temple, without concluding that believers belong in churches. Teaching in the epistles about sacraments, eldership, discipline, and body life further reinforce the critical importance of church membership for healthy congregations.

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Resurrection Matters
Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Easter, Misc Alex Coblentz Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Easter, Misc Alex Coblentz

Resurrection Matters

According to the laws of nature, dead bodies do not come back to life. Period - end of investigation! But the disciples were faced with overwhelming evidence that clearly flew in the face of established scientific dogma? They saw Jesus alive! What could they do? They believed, and never wavered from that belief through all manner of persecution, torture and even martyr's deaths. Jesus said to Thomas, "Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed." (John 20:29) "Alleluia, He is risen indeed!"

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Dress Rehearsal
Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Easter, Misc Alex Coblentz Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Easter, Misc Alex Coblentz

Dress Rehearsal

Malachi prophesied, "And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple; and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight." (Mal. 3:1) Was he talking about the Triumphal Entry when Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem before his crucifixion? Or was he referring to the day when Jesus will return triumphantly at the end of the age as Lord of Lords and King of Kings? Perhaps it was both!

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The Promise
Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz

The Promise

When Adam & Eve broke fellowship with their Creator God, He made them a promise: “The wrong that ruined Eden will one day be made right through one of your offspring.” Down through the ages, generation after generation: to Noah, to Abraham, to Moses, and to King David in Jerusalem, the Promise was renewed and reaffirmed until finally, “The Promise (Word) was made flesh and walked among us, full of grace and truth - Jesus!”

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Good Father
Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz

Good Father

For Christians, "Don't worry. Be happy!" might seem like a totally irresponsible, pleasure seeking, flippant, childish, and selfish way to abandon our God-given duties and responsibilities, but for one thing: our Heavenly Father loves and cares for us! As followers of Jesus Christ, when we make it our first priority to love and obey our Father in Heaven, He gives peace, joy and all the things we need in life because He loves us, and takes good care of us.

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Blessed…Like A Tree
Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz

Blessed…Like A Tree

"I'm Blessed." What does that mean? We hear people say it all the time! Does it mean I'm happy? I'm wealthy? I'm trouble free? This same word appears frequently in the Psalms and in the Beatitudes of Jesus. Psalm 1 compares a blessed person to a healthy, fruitful tree. Can trees be happy? wealthy? trouble free? No, but they are solid, firmly rooted and secure.

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Gideon’s Army
Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz

Gideon’s Army

Gideon is famous to us for his dramatic midnight victory with trumpet blasts and blazing torches over the Midianite army encamped by the Hill of Moreh, What we tend to forget is that God reduced his army from 32,000 to 300 troops so that nobody could ever boast of winning that battle by human strategy or strength. When God calls you into His service, He will ruthlessly remove all the resources you have trusted in until you have nothing left but God himself to rely on, and He gets all the glory in the end.

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Under His Wings
Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz Rev. J. Alex Coblentz, Misc Alex Coblentz

Under His Wings

Starvation and exposure are two things that can kill you. Food and shelter are necessities of life. Is it any wonder then, that the Psalmist should sing grateful songs of praise to the Lord for his provision and his protection. Let us seek his provision. Let us find rest under his wings.

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Looking for more sermons?

While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.