Looking for a specific series?

Being Freed from Generational Sin
Thank you to Bruce Hosket for providing our message today!
We apologize for the technical issues with the video in our livestream. Thankfully the audio continues to work.
We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as we can.

The privilege & responsibility of citizenship
Thanks to Bruce Hosket who is preaching this week!

What Brings Meaning To Life?
We have a wonderful group of Elders that will be bringing the Word of God to us on Sundays! Thanks to Bruce Hosket who is preaching this week.

Living Life in a Hard Place
We have a wonderful group of Elders that will be bringing the Word of God to us on Sundays! Thanks to Bruce Hosket who is preaching this week.

Give Careful Thought To Your Ways
We welcome Elder Bruce Hosket to the pulpit this morning. After serving 38 years at French Camp Academy Bruce and his wife Kim are now ministering to married couples with RENEW, a marriage intensive ministry of our church. The Hoskets have a particular passion for building strong marriages and families in “the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”

Jesus is Renewing
Elder Bruce Hosket will preach from Psalm 103:5 today, and share about a new ministry of our church called “Renew,” that the Lord is calling Bruce and Kim to initiate.

Looking for more sermons?
While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.