Looking for a specific series?
Join us this Palm Sunday for guest preacher Rev. Lynn Downing as he preaches from Matthew 21:1-13.
Is Jesus really the only way of salvation for the whole world?
Who Jesus Is. What Jesus Did. Yes, He is the ONLY way!
Weakness and the Gospel
Through the weakness of preachers and preaching, the Gospel is powerful to the conversion and transformation of sinners like us for His own glory.
Slavery and the Gospel
Human slavery is a grievous and tragic abuse, but there is yet a deeper and more tragic bondage - our slavery to sin. God in Christ has rescued us out of that bondage, so don't go back!
The Law and the Gospel
If the Law can't save you, then why do we have it? If it only stirs up our sin and condemns us, what good is it? It is the Guardian or Schoolmaster that points us to Christ!
The Curse and the Gospel
The human race is all under a curse, locked in bondage to sin, condemned by the Law. Is there no escape? Only in Christ who took our curse upon himself at the cross
Faith and the Gospel
Faith alone and in nothing else - that is the anchor of our hope. Beware lest you be tempted to accept a substitute, or to trust in anything else or anything less.
The Heart of the Gospel
In Christ alone and by faith alone is my salvation - not by anything I have done or achieved. I have died to self and my life is hidden in Christ.
The True Gospel
Paul vehemently defends the truth of the gospel against those who would add anything to it. In Christ we are free from the Law's demands; free to trust solely and utterly in his grace.
The Rest of the story
If there is a Heaven, there must also be a Hell and a great eternal chasm separates one from the other. You have been warned by Abraham, Moses, the Prophets and even the One who came back from the dead! Where will you spend eternity?
It’s Not My Gospel!
The Good News of Jesus Christ is NOT a man-made religion. Paul received it from Christ and passed it on to us.
All Things New
Christ is making all things new! We will receive NEW bodies, we will inhabit a NEW Heaven and Earth, there will be a NEW city, the heavenly Jerusalem, and God will dwell in our midst.
A Different Gospel? I'm Shocked!
Objective Truth meets Personal Experience in the Gospel of Jesus Christ - His redemptive work applied to our hearts.
Well Supplied for the Journey
God has made every provision for life and godliness, but it remains for us to walk the walk!
Jesus, First and Last
Jesus said, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last." we will see him in the end - our Creator and Redeemer.
Looking for more sermons?
While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.