Upcoming events

Mission Conference
Our speaker, Rev. Stuart Mills, was a missionary in Peru before returning to the US to continue his education. His topic will be “Life, Light and Love,” taken from I John.
Supper will be provided Saturday night at 5:30pm in the LSB. Sunday School, Worship and the Evening Service will include messages by Rev. Mills and feature several FCARP mission trips.

Collecting Boxes for Operation Christmas Child
It’s time to start shopping for school supplies, toys and personal care items for Christmas shoeboxes!

Mission Conference
The conference begins Saturday with a light supper and the movie, “Ends of the Earth.” Sunday School will focus on Ukraine and Ethiopia. There will be an International Covered Dish supper on Sunday, a ladies’ luncheon on Monday and will conclude with a worship service Monday evening. Mark your calendar and watch for more details...

Sunday Evening Service with Adam Blaylock
Join us this Sunday Evening with Adam Blaylock as he shares an update on Cross Mountain Mission

Sunday Evening Service
Come and hear about a mission trip from our community to Hazard, KY to help with restoration efforts after the recent floods.