Upcoming events

Sunday Evening Service with Susan Donald
Susan Donald is a gifted artisan and an amazing potter! Her heart for the Lord is reflected in her creative work and is an inspiration to all who know her!

Christmas Eve Communion
Come and bring your family to celebrate with us the great truths of the Christmas story. This will be a time of intimate fellowship with our Lord and with one another. Remember to prepare your heart before participating in the Lord’s Supper and enter the Sanctuary quietly and reverently.

Sunday Evening Supper with Rita Barlow
We will enjoy a meal provided by the church in the LSB, and will then hear a testimony by Glen Barlow’s wife, Rita.

Sunday Evening Service with Larry Martin
Larry Martin will be here to share his powerful testimony of the life-changing, healing power of forgiveness.

Potluck and Hymn Sing
Bring a “picnic style” dish and join us for supper in the LSB. We’ll enjoy an informal meal together and then sing some favorites with Helen Hill.

Sunday Evening Service with Kwasu Sillah
Join us Sunday evening to hear from Kawsu Sillah. This time he will be bringing some boys from Binghampton Christian Academy where he currently serves as a dorm parent!

Sunday Supper & Guests from Double Blessings
All are invited to supper at 5:30 in the LSB followed by our thrift store volunteers sharing about “God’s Amazing Provision at Double Blessings.”

Sunday Supper with Lance Ragsdale
Everyone is invited to a supper provided by the church and a chance to hear Lance Ragsdale speak on “A Trial Worth Living”

Sunday Evening Service with Adam Blaylock
Join us this Sunday Evening with Adam Blaylock as he shares an update on Cross Mountain Mission

Sunday supper with Nathan Linkins
Come Join us for this week’s edition of Sunday Supper with special guest: Nathan Linkins. He is a 2006 graduate of FCA and former WFCA staff member and dorm sub 2009-2015.

Sunday Evening Service
Come and hear about a mission trip from our community to Hazard, KY to help with restoration efforts after the recent floods.

Sunday Evening Supper with Nadine Ramsey
Join us for this week’s Sunday Evening supper with guest speaker Nadine Ramsey.

Sunday Evening Supper with Don Smith
We look forward to having Don Smith as our speaker. He a great storyteller and has a contagious passion for the Lord and for serving people!

Sunday Evening Guest - William McKinley
Join us for our Sunday evening service. William McKinley will be our guest speaker. He is the Deer Program Coordinator for the MS Dept. of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks. We are delighted William, his wife Natalie & daughter Lili Grace recently joined FCPC.