Upcoming events
Take a look at the calendar to see what’s coming up - and then look below to see what’s been happening here at FCARP.

Mission Conference March 2024
What an absolute JOY it was to have Rev. Stuart and Meg Mills as our missionary guests for this year’s annual mission conference! In case you missed any of Rev. Mills’ three messages, you can access them here.

Tornado Relief
FCARP is participating in French Camp efforts to collect and distribute relief items for the victims of the recent tornado in our area.

Mission Conference February 2023
What an absolute JOY it was to have Dr. Clay and Darlene Quarterman as our missionary guests for this year’s annual mission conference! In case you missed any of Dr. Quarterman’s three messages, you can access them here.

Spring Sunday Night Plans
This Spring we are launching a few new series for our Sunday evening services.

Congratulations to Abby & Skylyr Effler on the birth of their son, Ezekiel Martin!

Congratulations on the Birth of Timber Mark Hosket, born April 13 to Jesse and Carlin who live in Cape Girardeau, MO. Congratulations also to Grandparents, Bruce & Kim, and Great Grandmother Margie Newman.

Happy Anniversary to Hank and Maria Price
Happy anniversary to Hank and Maria Price - who celebrated 50 years of marriage on April 9!

Mission Conference April 2022
What an absolute JOY it was to host so many of our treasured missionaries for our annual mission conference! In case you missed any of the main services with guest speaker Dr. George Murray, you can watch them all here below.

Purvis Hymn Sing
One of our favorite traditions here at FCPC is to have hymn sings together at the Purvis home. Over the years, we have had some amazing nights and hold these memories dear to our hearts. Here are a few samplings of the sorts of songs we sing.

Special Music with Kenzi and Sharon
I used the audio this morning in worship. Some have asked that I post this here. This is Kenzi Seawright and Sharon Naik. Sweet memories of Sharon who touched so many lives.