Upcoming events
Take a look at the calendar to see what’s coming up - and then look below to see what’s been happening here at FCARP.

Sunday Evening Service with Gabe Allen
Special thanks to Gabe Allen for sharing his story with us. If you missed it, you can watch the recording here!

Sunday Supper with Lance Ragsdale
Lance Ragsdale shared the details of his hunting accident on November 25, 2022 when he fell 20 feet from his deer stand. In his winsome way, Lance mingled the details of this painful trial with spiritual lessons learned throughout his journey, from the woods to the hospital to recovery. This is an inspiring and hopeful message of how to face trials with a grateful heart.

Spring Sunday Night Plans
This Spring we are launching a few new series for our Sunday evening services.

Sunday Evening with Kawsu Sillah FCA ’10
What a joy to have Kawsu Sillah join us this last week for Sunday Evening Service!