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Jesus is Caring
We are often, and sometimes wrongly, taught to be skeptical of our feelings - not to be governed by them, or to give them too much attention. But Jesus had feelings: pity, empathy, compassion, or caring were prominent among them, and those feelings were deeply a part of who he was and how he acted. How then can we follow Jesus as we seek to be more caring of others?
Jesus is Healing
When we ask Jesus for healing, and all that comes to mind are the physical infirmities of these mortal bodies... Oh, how great a blessing we miss! Jesus also desires and does indeed heal us of the brokenness and afflictions of the mind, spirit and soul. Sin is the greatest sickness the world has ever known, and for this disease Jesus shed his own blood for the cure. As Isaiah the prophet foretold, "...by His stripes we are healed!”
Jesus is Seeking
We are lost. Sin has blinded us and tangled us up in the snares of this world. We are not lost because God can't find us; we are lost because we can't find our way out. Jesus came down into this world "to seek and so save that which was lost," not because he didn't know where we were, but because we didn't know who he is. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and he will unfailingly find his own and rescue them from sin and death. "I once was lost, but now am found," by God's amazing grace in Christ.
Jesus is Calling
Jesus called Peter, James and John to follow him. They left their nets, their boats, their families and their homes to follow Jesus and he taught them how to catch people for the Kingdom instead of fish. Jesus is still calling people to follow Him. Have you heard His call? What must you leave behind to follow Him? If you will, He'll transform your life and livelihood for His Kingdom purposes.
Fight the Good Fight
Fight the good fight, not wasting bullets on other people, other causes, other other distractions, but engaging the enemy of our soul on the battleground of our our hearts and minds. Victory is ours in Christ, wielding the weapons of prayer, forgiveness, repentance, love, joy, and all the other means of grace at our disposal in Him.
The Joy of Salvation
Brothers and sisters, rejoice! We are freely justified! We have been reconciled with the God whom we have sinned against; we have been saved from the wrath we deserve! What's not to rejoice over? How could we possibly remain glum in the face of such lavish mercy, grace and love poured out on our behalf? Even in the midst of suffering and trials, our hope is firmly fixed on Him. We therefore choose to rejoice and in return he fills our hearts with overflowing gladness to the praise of His glory. Do not allow your emotions, the Devil's lies, or the pressures of this world steal your God given joy! Rejoice!
Singing Stars – Shouts of Joy
Out of the whirlwind the Lord answered Job: "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?" Reality check! God is God and we are not!
Out of the depths of our sorrows and struggles we need to be reminded of the absolute grandeur, majesty and power of the God who made heaven and earth, the stars and all the planets, and who loves the very least among us with an everlasting love.
Joy for the Battle
A great horde of enemies, a desperate situation and a bizarre strategy with the choir leading the army into battle -- followed by an amazing deliverance by the Lord! God was trying to make a point with King Jehoshaphat. What's the point? And is there any application to the battles I fight every day with fear, anxiety, lust, greed, and pride?
Motivated by Christ
Christian, what motivates your life? What shapes your priorities? How do you make life's most important decisions? Don't you know that you have died and your life is now hidden in Christ? Though we do not see Him now, the day of his appearing is surely drawing near when we will see Him face to face and share in His glory. That future certainty must shape our present reality.
Count it all Joy
True joy does not arise out of our circumstances, but is rather the fruit of a deep abiding trust in God. It can be tried and tested by the pain and hardships of this world, but is only refined and perfected by the working of God's good purpose for us in Christ.
Far More
Lee Shelnutt will be our guest missionary speaker for Sunday School and Church on June 19. His topic: "Far More." He is with a new World Witness mission called "Barnabas Ministry" which has a particular focus on Pakistan and Rwanda. Their goal is to be encouraging, training, and mentoring international pastors and present and future Church leaders and being an encourager and resource for World Witness Missionaries on the field.
He Saved Us!
God in his great kindness, while we were still lost in the enslavement of our own passions and sin, sent us a Savior - Jesus. He saved us according to his great mercy and by the outpouring of his Holy Spirit. We have been justified by his grace and have become heirs with the hope of eternal life. We are SAVED! Praise his name.
Joy in the Word
That old book - the Bible? Joyful? Old stories about old people doing things in ancient foreign cultures - how can you find that joyful? What am I missing? How can anybody today expect to find JOY in a book that old? PS. It's not about the book!
What is the source of your Joy?
Acts 16:16-40
What is the difference between "That makes me happy," and "That gives me joy?" While our culture tells us about the right we have to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," in Christ we find something far deeper, life-changing and everlasting. The Bible calls it joy. Shallow entertainment and superficial happiness are no substitute for joyous living in Christ.
Boasting in the Cross
Galatians 6:11-18
In the closing verses of this epistle, Paul warns the Galatians and denounces those who are preaching a false gospel as charlatans who only care about making “a good showing in the flesh.” His conscience is clear and his motives are pure, refusing to boast in anything but the cross of Christ.
the Gospel and Doing Good
Galatians 6:1-10
The gospel is all about truth, grace and having faith in Christ, but it is also about the practical realities of getting along with other people. Bear one another's burdens and do not grow weary in doing good, especially to your brothers and sisters in the Lord.
the Spirit and the Gospel
Galatians 5:13-26
Life is always a struggle. Accepting Christ is the beginning of a journey, not an arrival. When you accept Christ, there’s still a battle with the flesh. So, it’s important to walk in the Spirit rather than the flesh. And the fruit of doing that is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
Freedom and the Gospel
Galatians 5:1
For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
Out of Darkness - LIGHT
How can some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead if Christ himself is proclaimed as raised from the dead? The last enemy to be defeated is death itself!
Looking for more sermons?
While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.