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By Faith Rahab
She was morally stained, sexually impure, outcast and despised, but nevertheless a choice instrument in the Lord's hands. Why would God choose Rahab to be an ancestor to Jesus Christ? Why would he choose you? ...or me? ...or anyone? It is because of GRACE, and grace alone.
The Crown and the Cross
The brutal and mocking crown of thorns that Jesus wore to the cross, only magnifies the glory and beauty of that victorious crown of life with which Jesus has been crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We worship the Risen Savior at Easter for what He has done, for who He is, and for the transformation he has wrought in us - to the praise of His glory, Hallelujah!
A Humble King
Hey look, your King is riding on a donkey! What's going on? That doesn't seem very kingly! Happy children waving palms were not going to overthrow an occupying force of Roman soldiers, but in a week's time it would all take place: betrayal, trial, crucifixion and resurrection: Praise to our glorious humble King! Hallelujah, what a Savior!
By Faith Moses (Part 2)
The first time Moses left Egypt, he was fleeing for his life. This time, with signs and wonders, plagues and miracles, he walks through the Red Sea on dry ground with all the people of Israel. What was different? How did that happen? According to Hebrews - by faith!
By Faith Moses
A government that kills babies, a culture that is wealthy and luxurious beyond imagination and an oppressed people enduring generations of racism and tyranny. Sound familiar? That was the Egypt where Moses grew up. He could have lived out his days in comfort and ease in Pharaoh's court, but he forsook it all to follow the call of God.
By Faith Joseph
Faith and hope are closely connected; you cannot have one without the other.
Faith draws from the past and looks to the future in hope. At the end of his days, Joseph in Egypt gave instructions for his bones to be returned to the land of promise. Embracing the faith of his forefathers, he claimed a future inheritance for his children.
Reclaiming Boldness in Our Adoption
Alex Pettett is the director of the overseas outreach arm of the ARP - World Witness. He has traveled extensively, worldwide, and will bring a global perspective and application to this glorious text about our adoption in Christ which is for "...the purpose of His will, to the praise of His glorious grace."
By Faith Jacob
Jacob is the Poster-child for for a rebellious son, lying schemer and dysfunctional husband and father. What a disaster! And yet, there he is in the "Faith Hall of Fame" of Hebrews! By now, perhaps we are beginning to get the picture: It's not about some superpower these patriarchs possessed called "faith." It's really all about God's faithfulness, accomplishing his perfectly designed plan in and through us, his chosen people.
By Faith Isaac
By faith, Isaac lived on the promises God gave his father Abraham, but he was also faithful to pass them on to the next generation. He remained in Canaan because of God's promise; he reclaimed his father's wells that the Philistines had stopped up; and he dug new wells as needed to reach the life giving waters beneath the earth.
By Faith Abraham
How to decide when you don't understand the choices? How to navigate when you can't find true North? How to hit a target you can't see? How to trust, when nothing makes sense? How to take up my cross and follow Jesus? Let Abraham help show you as he walked by faith.
Our Warfare: Flesh and Blood Cannot Prevail
Our 2023 Mission Conference kicks off Saturday evening with "Ends of the Earth" a gripping and inspiring story about the missionary pilots in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. Dr. Clay Quarterman, our Keynote Speaker, will preach Sunday morning and again Sunday and Monday evenings from Ephesians 6 and Matthew 24 about Spiritual Warfare. Dr. Clay and Darlene Quarterman have served with the PCA as church planting missionaries in Portugal and Ukraine for over 40 years; they are now retired in Jackson, MS. Check out the fcarp.org website for a schedule and more details about the MIssion Conference.
By Faith Abraham
The Bible tells us that Abraham never lived to see any of God's great promises fulfilled. But that never stopped him from trusting, believing, and hoping. So how well do you manage having to wait for something? That's what it means to walk by faith. For Abraham, receiving the promise was enough because he trusted God.
By Faith Noah
Giraffes, Hippos, horses and rabbits; chubby Noah with a long white beard, and a pretty rainbow in the sky... Cue the happy music and fluffy clouds. All the makings of a cute little children's story, right? WRONG! This is a story of massive wickedness and evil, so great that mankind had to be destroyed on a global scale. It is also the story of God's great mercy, Noah's faithful obedience, a daring rescue plan, and a promise of hope. It is your story and mine, about the awful consequences of sin and the awesome gift of redemption at the Cross. All aboard! It's beginning to rain.
By Faith Enoch
Enoch is one of those ancient patriarchs who lived in the shadowy times before the flood. That was when the Nephilim, possibly fallen angels, walked the earth and evil was widespread and dominated the human race. Nevertheless, by faith he walked with God and stands today as a role model for our encouragement and growth in grace.
By Faith Abel
Abel was the first martyr, killed by his own brother. The writer of Hebrews tells us that "...through his faith, though he died, he still speaks." Are we walking in the footsteps of Abel, or have we fallen into the sin of Cain? Listen to Abel's voice speaking through God's Word that you might find instruction, endurance, encouragement and hope. (Romans 15:4)
Resolve To Be Like Jesus
Elder Larry Littlejohn will preach from Ephesians 4:1-7 today, and share about Resolving to be like Jesus as we consider what the new year will hold.
Jesus Emmanuel
Joy to the World! The Lord is come! Could anything be more wonderful? God is making himself known to us in the person of Jesus Christ. He is come to reveal the Father, to be light in the darkness, to cleanse us from sin, to be our advocate on high, to be our Emmanuel - God with us and for us! Abide in Him. Walk in his way. May peace and joy be yours this Christmas.
Jesus is a Gift
The best gifts are given not out of obligation, not for show, nor in some attempt to out-give some other giver! The best gifts are given out of a heart of love, kindness and charity. The greatest gift ever given came from a heart filled with infinite mercy, compassion and love, to those who were utterly helpless, desolate and undeserving.
What gifts will you give this Christmas?
Jesus is Renewing
Elder Bruce Hosket will preach from Psalm 103:5 today, and share about a new ministry of our church called “Renew,” that the Lord is calling Bruce and Kim to initiate.
Jesus is Loving
What does love look like? Soft lights? Sweet music? Hot chocolate? We often associate love with Christmas because of the sentimentality of the season; it's enough to make anyone fall in love or give gifts! Buried, however, beneath all the glitter and emotion there is a hard and solid truth which is well worth uncovering: True love is shown through obedience and self-sacrifice. Jesus modeled it perfectly in his incarnation; He calls us to follow his example at Christmas and always.
Looking for more sermons?
While we hope to one day have all of our sermons from sermon.net available here - that’s still a work in process. For now, anything prior to January, 2022 is still available, but through our older channels.